Saturday, June 8, 2013

Eric Northman

Eric Northman is the blonde haired blue-eyes hunk in The Sookie Stackhouse series. He is a little over a thousand years old and was a Viking Warrior as a human. Eric stands at 6’4 tall and is the strongest and oldest vampire in Louisiana. He is sheriff of the vampire district Area 5 and is owner of a vampire bar in Shreveport called Fangtasia. Eric is arrogant and doesn’t care much for human life. He shows a bit more than little interest in Sookie. Another side of him is shown when he is in a dangerous situation with Pam, his progeny: he always puts her needs before his. Eric may not be sentimental put he puts tremendous effort into the well-being of Sookie and her happiness. He favors dark blue jeans, a black singlet, and a black leather jacket. Ladies, Eric may be a Viking Warrior at heart but keep in mind that he has a way of sneaking into our hearts so we can’t resist. BE WARE!

As always <3, GLBBB

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