Saturday, June 8, 2013

Alex Sheathes

Alex - alex-sheathes Fan ArtAlex Sheathes, also so known as Alex Warren, is our hero in Delirium. He has caramel colored skin with bright amber eyes that burn like fire and golden hair, like leaves in the autumn when they are turning, with one strand that curls down over his left eye. His eyebrows are like perfect brush strokes on a canvas portrait. Alex was never cured but has a small, dark, three pronged scar behind his left ears like those who are cured. He does little things like winks constantly, can maintain a smile for a long time, chews on the corner of his lips when nervous, and chews on the inside of his lips in contemplation. Alex has all the qualities any girl would want in a guy: he’s a great listener, he likes poetry and Shakespeare, isn’t judgmental, is sincere and calm, and he loves to laugh and wink. His voice has a teasing and winking quality to it. His skin always smells a bit like the ocean. He has a chest and shoulders that are like chiseled stones. Alex has the most beautiful hair and eyes Lena has ever seen: his eyes are almost pure gold, they glow in the moonlight and shift like an animal; his hair turns white when caught in the sun. He was never cured or matched, is an Invalid (born in the Wilds) and was never evaluated. He moved to Portland when he was ten after living with numerous people in the Wilds due to not having both parents to take care of him (his mom died after his birth and his dad never knew he had a son). Alex is a student at the University of Portland and works when not in school.
Favorite expression: “anything is possible”
Hope you’ve fallen in love with him by now.
As always <3, GLBBB

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